Weekly Word: Sept. 9, 2019


Want to start by asking you some questions that are all different, but answer the same way. Let’s start with what will guard us against foolish extremes? Second, what single quality in a business builds respect deeper than any other? Next, what brings security in relationships? Have you figured it out yet… Our fourth question is what is needed most by parents in the home? And finally, what draws us to the same restaurant time and time again?

The answer to all the questions above is consistency! We know it’s true, steadiness you can count on it, it will be there tomorrow just like yesterday. Free from silly moods, sudden changes or fads, whether early or late at night consistency stands firms. It is stable and resistant, a living model of patience, determination, strength, an anchor of iron. One of the most attractive characteristics of Christ is His consistency. When you need Him He is there. He is never in a lousy mood or will He ask you to call back later. He is the same yesterday, today, & forever! Hebrews 13:8

~ Pastor Turner