Worship: May 29, 2022

Weekly Word: Sept 16, 2019

Listening Prayer

Be still and know that I am God ~ Ps. 46:10

Jesus did a lot of praying. On more than one occasion He prayed all night, yet few of His words were recorded. Could it be that He did more listening than talking? Remember when His words were recorded, what did He say? Luke 22:42 “Father, not my will but yours be done.” When Jesus prayed He surrendered totally to the will of God. From then on He believed He would automatically be given two things that we all ask for; direction and the ability to deal with things.

Thank God for the revelation of who we are in Christ, and our authority as believers before God and men. However, recently God has been letting us know there’s more to prayer than to “come boldly to the throne” like it says in Hebrews 4:16. That kind of prayer is about what you want, but the kind we are talking about today is about what the Lord wants. Since He sees the whole picture clearly, and He designed the plan, don’t you think it’s time to get quiet before God so He can tell us all about it?

The word for us today is “be still” and let God be God in your life.

~ Pastor Turner