Worship: Nov 1, 2020

Weekly Word: Nov. 4, 2019

And let the Peace of God Rule in your Hearts ~ Col. 3:5

Have you noticed that when your in doubt, your easily swayed by the opinions of others. The circumstances around you & the fears the devil will bring to your mind can impact your actions. Indecision can be deadly. Someone has sad, “the most dangerous place to be is in the middle of the road.

The challenge for us today is to be decisive. Most of the time we don’t have all the facts available about any given situation. However, we usually do have all the facts we need to make a decision. This is when we need to rely on what God said to Paul, “Let the peace of God rule in your hearts.” The greek word for rule means umpire. We need to umpire to call the close ones.

Listen to what God said to Joshua when he told him to take the Israelites into the promised land in just 3 days. “Have I not commanded thee? Be not afraid, neither be dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 The Lord is speaking those same words to you today so listen, and let His peace be your guide.

~ Pastor Turner