Monthly Word: Jan, 2021

Weekly Word: Dec 9, 2019

For God’s gifts and call are irrevocable ~

Have you discovered your gifts?

The Greek word translated repentance in this verse means “irrevocable!” Samson’s gift finally destroyed him, but he never lost it. Even if you’ve never discovered your gift, or you’ve been running from it, it’s still there! That means you can choose to do something with it right now. God’s gifts are never loans, they are always deposits. The more you use them the stronger they get. Paul told Timothy “stir up the gift that is inside you” in 2 Timothy 1:6. You were born an original, don’t die a copy! Discover your gift! Therefore, don’t despise your small beginnings. For instance, Walt Disney told people, “this whole thing started with a mouse.”

In the New Testament, they started with 120 against the might of Pagan Rome. However they ended up changing the world. There are people waiting to be reached, saved, and blessed by what God has placed within you. Ask Him to help you discover your gift, unlock it, and offer it to him.

~ Pastor Turner