Monthly Word: July 2020
And Jesus said unto Him, “Friend” ~ Matt. 26:50
God’s purposes in your life are tied to relationships and not always enjoyable ones. Nevertheless, God can turn your rejection into direction. Sometimes He opens doors, other times He closes them. Personally, I am grateful for the doors He closed, for if I had walked through them, I would’ve been destroyed. However, that does not mean people can just walk in and destroy God’s plans for your life. Their access to your future is limited by a shield of His divine purposes and protection. What a comfort! God can still hang Haman on the gallows He built for you (Esther 7:10) Paul said in 2 Cor. 11:26 the purposes of God for Him included, “false brethren.”
As you look back, you realize it was persecution that taught you perseverance. In as much, rejection that taught you forgiveness. It produces Christian character! It’s much easier to forgive the actions of men when you understand the purposes of God. Accordingly, let’s keep going even when we want to give up! Knowing God is working His purposes in us and through us. Even Judas kissed Jesus and called Him friend. As a result, that act of betrayal led Jesus to the cross, which was God’s will for the salvation of the world. Peter even tried to stop Jesus from going to the cross. Still, as we look back we can see God used the evil actions of Judas to produce His perfect will!
~ Pastor Turner
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