Weekly Word: April 1st, 2019

He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strong in faith, giving glory to God ~ Romans 4:20

It’s tough to have faith when sick in body, our your wallet is empty so you can’t make ends meet. Yet these are the very times you need faith the most. Abraham did something to strengthen his faith, as you must do as well. In Jude 1:20 it says building up yourselves in the most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit. When you pray in the Spirit, you are built up and strengthened.

You’ll not that Abraham praised God for the blessing before it happened. This is where praise will give birth to faith, strengthened & sustained faith, and keep you focused on the source of all your blessing. Take time today and begin to praise the Lord for what you believe He’s going to do in your life.

~ Pastor Turner

Weekly Word: March 25, 2019

Today God is on Our Side

This I know…God is for me Psalms 56:9

When you know that God is for you, you can face anything. That doesn’t mean life will be easy. Paul said to Timothy in 2 Tim. 2:3, “endure hardness, as a good soldier.” The new birth brings new battle fields and a new enemy to conquer. The war against you is on three fronts, and by yourself, you’re not equal to the enemy your facing.

First, the worlds pressures and influences seek to mold you everyday. Next, the flesh tries to get you to live by what feels good, and not the word. Finally, the devil strategy is to get you off track and make you so weak you’re not a threat to his kingdom, and no benefit to God.

However the good news is you are not alone. The God who opened the Red Sea and shut the lions mouths is your God. Sure, the Israelite’s had to face the Red Sea, there was no other way. Daniel probably wouldn’t have chosen to spend a night in a lion’s den if he had another choice. In as much, God brought them through it victoriously. Therefore since He says “I am the Lord, I change not,” He’s going to do it for you too! This I know God is for me!

~ Pastor Turner

Weekly Word: March 18, 2019

Grounded and Steady!

We live in an entertainment based society and it has creeped into the church. When People have a hard week and come to God’s house, they should be lifted up. David said, In your presence is fullness of joy Ps. 16:11. However, sometimes there is a cancer. Do we tell the patient or just keep them feeling good until their condition is hopeless?

Jeremiah was told to root out, and pull down, to build & to plant in chapter 1:10. Now building and planting are more enjoyable than rooting out and pulling down. Consequently the 1st two also draw bigger crowds, but what if the patient dies? Lets read carefully what Paul told Timothy in 2 Timothy 4:25. You’re going to find that there will be times when people will have no appetite for solid teaching. Instead, they will fill up on spiritual junk food – catchy opinions that suit them for the time.  People will turn their backs on truth and chase mirages. But you, keep your eye on what you’re doing.

As we get closer to the coming of Christ, the only thing that will sustain you is knowing His word & drawing on your relationship with Him.

~ Pastor Turner

Weekly Word: March 11, 2019

Don’t Take the Bait

Luke 17: It is impossible that no offenses should come.

Jesus said that it is impossible to live in this world and not be offended, so why are we so shocked when it happens to us? The greek word for “offense” literally means a trap with bait in it. What a picture! If we take offense, then we’ve taken the devil’s bait and wound up in a trap. Resulting in self absorbance and resentfulness. Consequently leading to our loss of joy and hindering our ability to function properly.

The question is what can we do? Jesus told the end age believers in Revelation 3:18 to “anoint your eyes with salve, that you may see” see what? Our own attitude in all of this! You’ll only repent when you see the condition your heart is in. Then you can stop blaming other people, but not until you see clearly.

The wonderful thing is, when the Spirit of God shows you your mistake, it’s in such a way that it will seem separate from you. You’ll feel conviction and not condemnation. When He reveals this to you, don’t carry the offense another step. Forgive the offending party as God has forgiven you, and move on.

~ Pastor Turner

Weekly Word: March 4, 2019

Standing in the Gap

And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land. Ezekiel 22:30

The gap is the place between what is and what can be! Your family may not be walking with God, but you can become the bridge between them and Heaven! When we see any area where the hedge of protection has been broken down then go stand in that gap. Pray using the name of Jesus, the power of the blood, and the authority of the word of God.

Let’s refuse to give our love ones over to the enemy. We can stand in the gap for anyone anywhere at anytime.

~ Pastor Turner

Weekly Word: February 25, 2019

John 13:20 He that receiveth whom ever I send receives me.

When God gets ready to bless you, He usually sends a person to do it. It may take the form of correction, stretching your faith, or deepening your devotions to the Lord. If you want to take big steps, follow in the footsteps of big people who take big steps. Who inspires you, who do you read? Timothy was an apostle by the time he reached seventeen, by spending much of his life under the influence of Paul. Elisha was influenced by Elijah, and did twice as many miracles as his teacher had done before him.

Solomon said in Ecc. 4:9-10, two are better than one for if they fall, the one will lift up his brother; but woe to him who falls when they are alone, for there’s no one  to help him up. Jesus sent his disciples in pairs of two. Allow the one who inspires you to mentor you. Be that inspiring person to somebody else. After all, our destiny depends upon it.

~ Pastor Turner

Weekly Word: February 18, 2019

A Great Door… has opened to me I Corinthians 16:9

Dr. David T. Demola says, ” where God guides, He provides.” If you’re doing all you know & yet nothings happening, it could be that; A – It’s your season of sowing, not reaping… so be Patient. B – You’re in a time of training and preparation, so learn each lesson well. C – You could be off course, doing something God didn’t call you to do… so go back and check with Him.

Moses told God, “If your presence does not go with us, do not send us” in Exodus 33:15. If God’s not behind it, you don’t want to be involved in it. Humility demands that sometimes we stop and say, oops that was me not God.

If God is guiding, providing, and blessing you in spite of a storm you’re in, rejoice. If He’s not, seek fresh direction. Ask Him what He wants you to do. God will bless you every time when you’re doing what He’s told you to do!

~ Pastor Turner

Weekly Word: February 11, 2019

The Tongue

Proverbs 13:3 He who guards his lips guards his life

James says in chapter 3:2, If anyone controls their tongue, it proves they have perfect control over themselves in every other way. If this is the standard by which we are measured, how well are you doing? It’s so hard to keep quiet, especially when you have strong opinions, or when constantly provoked.

Listen, they called Jesus everything in the book and He said nothing back. He suffered in silence, content to let God set things right – 1 Peter 2:23. As I read these words, my heart cries. Lord help me! Sometimes I fall short of that standard. Maybe that should be our prayer today. Lord help me control what I say today.

~ Pastor Turner

Weekly Word: Jan. 28, 2019


Luke 18:1

This month we have dedicated to prayer in all aspects of life. We are asking that each of you take some time each week to pray for the focus of each week. We know that when we agree in prayer on anything here, it will be done by our Father in heaven (Matthew 18:19.) Therefore we know prayer is important and has power to change things through Jesus name.

The prayer focus this week is – Our Work Place

  • Pray for your Co-Workers and Employer
  • Pray You would be light to those who don’t know Christ
  • Pray You would be a Godly Example

Weekly Word: January 21, 2019


Luke 18:1

This month we have dedicated to prayer in all aspects of life. We are asking that each of you take some time each week to pray for the focus of each week. We know that when we agree in prayer on anything here, it will be done by our Father in heaven (Matthew 18:19.) Therefore we know prayer is important and has power to change things through Jesus name.
The prayer focus this week is – Our Community

  • Pray for unity in the community!
  • Pray for local government, school teachers & administrators, first responders, and civil servants.
  • Pray that God would use you to reach your neighbors with the message of Jesus.