Weekly Word: February 20th, Prayer

February 20th,

Prayer Changes Everything

This week’s Prayer Changes Everything describes three aspects of prayer taken from a story in Luke. Lets take a look at Luke chapter eleven, the disciples ask Jesus to teach them how to pray. So Jesus taught them to pattern their prayer after what we call “The Lord’s Prayer.” He gave the disciples an example they could understand. This instance was about a neighbor needing bread around midnight because of an unexpected guest.

The Lesson learned is this;
* Pray for something specific – in this case bread
* Have confidence in the request – knocked at midnight
* Be persistent – kept knocking

We serve a gracious, great, caring, merciful God! And once we know His will we are able to ask Him specifically for what we need. Then, have the confidence He will answer, if we continue to be persistent not giving up before the answer comes.

God answers prayer through Jesus Christ!

Pastor Turner

Weekly Word: February 13th, Trust God

February 13th, Trust God

~ Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding. ~

Have you discovered how different your values are from God’s? We’ll work our fingers to the bone for money, but we find it hard to crack a book, listen to a message, or set aside thirty minutes for His wisdom. We work hard for comfort, yet God is more interested in our character. Education is not wisdom! You can memorize facts, pass tests, earn degrees, and still not have wisdom. So what is the secret… “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding.” (Proverbs 3:5) He didn’t say don’t use it, He said don’t lean on your own understanding.

After you’ve researched, consulted with others, and done everything you know how, come back to one unchanging fact; Jesus Christ is your source, your strength, and your guide. He is our final answer. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your path. (Proverbs 3:6)

Pastor Turner


Weekly Word: February 5th Love

February 5th,

~ Love – I heard a preacher say, everything I ever need to know about theology I learned from one song, “Jesus Loves Me This I Know.” ~

Why has this simple song become so universally known & loved? Because it expresses the single most significant and profound truth known to humanity in three simple words – Jesus loves ME. No doubt, receiving the love of Jesus and living in it everyday is the first step in having a love that’s worth giving away.

Let’s stay connected to the living Christ and there we can be the life & hope to those around us. For this reason, Jesus says He is the vine and we are the branches, apart from me you can do nothing. Therefore, when people who know us say, what’s different about you, we can say Jesus loves me and He loves you too!

~ Pastor Turner

Weekly Word: January 30th, God’s Way

January 29th – February 4th,

God’s Way

~ As we have gone through the month of January we have reset our hearts, minds, voice, and hands to serve the Lord in the way He wants us to instead of the way we want to. ~

In light of being a believer dedicated to the word of God, we are living in a deeply divided country. What instructions does the Lord give us… 1st Timothy 2:1-3 says “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people – for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior.”

In view of that scripture no matter what side you are on, lets take time to pray for our national leaders especially for our President. For God’s guidance to lead them all to do what is right, so we can have a good & peaceful life!

Release life through your words, God will do the rest!

~ Pastor Turner

Weekly Word: January 22nd, Reset Voice

January 22nd – January 28th

~ Psalms 71:15-16 My mouth will tell of your righteous deeds, of your saving acts all day long— though I know not how to relate them all. I will come and proclaim your mighty acts, Sovereign Lord; I will proclaim your righteous deeds, yours alone. ~

Who can live that way and talk that way in today’s world? I know we can, if we have asked the Lord to reset our hearts. With all of our heart totally yielded to God and renewed mind with the truth from the bible, now our voices are declaring His goodness and righteous acts – Just like Jesus did.

He spoke truth, love, peace, restoration, healing, and He spoke LIFE! Remember, when you have allowed Jesus to reset your heart and mind don’t be surprised when you are  given opportunities to speak up for God. When those opportunities come don’t be shy about seizing them, please say something.

Release life through your words, God will do the rest!

~ Pastor Turner

Weekly Word: January 15th, Reset Mind

January 15th – January 21st ~ We are asking the Lord to reset our hearts from trusting in ourselves to totally trusting in Jesus Christ. Today we are asking the […]

Weekly Word: January 9th, Reset