Weekly Word: July 24

Week of July 24

~ But Jesus immediately said to them: “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.” Matthew 14:27 ~

Jesus sent His disciples into the storm knowing they would be different when they came out. The had ssen Him heal, raise the dead, and cast out demons. However they never knew His authority over the the wind and the waves. These are things you can only learn by getting into the boat and going through the storm. He was reveailing Himself to them in the worst experience of their lives. Jesus proved there is no circumstance you are facing today that He will not be with you in.

The disciples faith grew by leaps and bounds that day. He’s always with us! Hold onto your faith knowing that Jesus loves you and is with you. He will take you through life’s toughest situations and you will never be the same!

~ Pastor Turner

Weekly Word: July 17

Weekly Word: July 17

~ The Lord hath opened mine heart Isaiah 50:5

God can speak to you through anybody! The question is can you hear him? Naaman was the commander and chief of the Syrian Army, but he was dying of leprosy. He wanted to be healed but wanted it done his way. God is not Burger King – you will have to do it His way not yours. First, Naaman wanted Elisha to come personally and speak to him because he was a man of ranking and prestige. However, instead Elisha sent his servant saying, “go out and wash yourself seven times in the Jordan.” Consequently he didn’t like the Jordan river because it was dirty; “are there not cleaner rivers?” (2 Kings 5:12) God wouldn’t accommodate his pride and He won’t cater to ours either.

Naaman received his healing only when He humbled himself and became willing to listen, according to 2 Kings 5:13. Our problem is that if God doesn’t speak to us in a familiar way, we don’t receive it. God can use anybody to speak to you. Even someone you don’t know. Be sensitive, be humble, and be willing to hear.

~ Pastor Turner

Weekly Word: July 10

Week of July 10

Spiritual Attack

Spiritual attack can come in all shapes and sizes. For instance, it doesn’t have to be just your faith or your foundation of belief that is being bombarded. Spiritual attacks can come against your finances, health, your family, and even your reputation. Don’t limit your way of thinking to this physical realm. When we recognize the attack is spiritual that’s when we can start warring against it for “the weapons of our warfare are not carnal” 2 Corinthians 10:4. The enemy would love to keep you in the dark saying to yourself “oh it’s just the way it is, life goes this way sometimes, whatcha going to do!”

Anytime something comes against the word of God and His promises, that is an attack of the enemy. It’s in direct opposition of what God said and what He wants to do. However, the enemy will of course use our physical resources and surroundings to lunge at us, so don’t be confused. Spiritual attack is not the devil hiding out in some sting operation waiting to pounce on you the moment you walk out of your house. No, instead it can look very common and unsuspecting. Remember Ephesians 6:12 “We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

~ Marysville Assembly

Weekly Word: July 3

Weekly Word: July 3

Have you been worrying lately…

– Don’t be anxious about anything Phil. 4:6 –

Someone once said if you want to test your memory, try remembering what you were worried about a year ago. The Apostle Paul said “He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion.” (Phil. 1:6) Notice we didn’t start this work – He did! Jesus gave us the privilege of being involved, He never puts us in charge. The Lord is the captain of our salvation and He has never lost a passenger. Regrettably there will be rough times and you’ll feel a little anxious, but when that happens remember Jesus said “In this world you’ll have trouble, but take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:35)

A right relationship with Jesus gives you confidence: a peace not subject to what’s going on, or people’s attitudes, or actions; a joy that works from the inside out. It’s a great privilege to be a believer!

~ Pastor Turner

Weekly Word: June 26

Weekly Word: June 26

Read Ecclesiastes 10:12 ~

Sometimes gifted people & bossy people can be harsh or unkind without meaning to be. They live by a schedule and get upset when others fail to respect it – but not Jesus. He had the most important job in the world and yet He stopped to talk with children and spent time with them. Sometimes the only people who seem to matter to us are those who help us accomplish our goals; that’s not ambition but selfishness.

Kindness governed Jesus’ words, and He taught His disciples, “listen & love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for those who despitefully use you.” – Matthew 5:44


You’ll meet people who rub you the wrong way who might look angry even in church settings. Ask Jesus to help you be kind & forgiving. Isn’t that the way you would like to be treated!

~ Pastor Turner

Weekly Word: June 12

Week of June 12

The past couple of weeks have reminded me that we are in a fight, whether we recognize it or not. There is currently a war going on all around us. A conflict of such ferocity, size and scope that it makes anything else pale in comparison. This is a battle waged in the heavenlies, and it’s a battle God is calling you to wake up to.

We are plagued by anxiety, hang ups, compulsions, and addictions. However, we need to remember that God has already given us everything we need for victory. Because of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus – victory is not only possible but assured. His victory is our victory, we are not fighting for victory but from victory. It’s time we start living the life the bible promises.

~ Pastor Turner

Weekly Word: June 5

Weekly Word: June 5

Immediately Jesus made his disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of Him to Bethesda (Mark chapter six).

He’ll never send you on a trip that you can’t make. However, that doesn’t mean it will be easy or that you won’t be frightened by the waves. Remember Psalms 23, Yes though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for You are with me. God doesn’t send you, He leads you and sustains you. How reassuring! In addition, when you can’t see Him, the Lord is still watching over you. He sees your toil, pain, & tears.

Remember, He’s the master of the storm.  There’s no situation He can’t handle. Finally, before the storm is over, God will be glorified in it, and your faith will grow stronger. Therefore, rejoice today, He is going to bring you through!

~ Pastor Turner

Weekly Word: May 29th

Weekly Word: May 29th

Often when we can’t handle the pressure of today, we escape into remembering the good old days – or we dream of tomorrow when things will be better. But until we learn to live now, you miss what God has for you. The Christian life is lived one day at a time. “Exhort on another daily!” Someone we know is going through a rough time, and the word you have is just what’s needed!

In Acts 2:46 it’s written “and they continued daily, breaking bread from house to house.” Get out and fellowship with someone! Beware of isolation when you’re by yourself, you may be in the worse off than staying encouraged and uplifted by togetherness. God wants to use others to bless you, strengthen you, and be a support system in your life.

Let’s encourage someone everyday Heb. 3:13

~ Pastor Turner

Weekly Word: May 22

Week of May 22,

John 10:10 “Christ has come to give us life and life more abundantly” and also says a bit about finances. How do we keep out of debt? The bible says we should live within our means. Which simply put is we should live in a way where we spend less than what we make.  Secondly, we are to save for the future; meaning we need to put money away every week to the best of our ability planning for what comes later. Someday you will need that money in order to live.

Next, we are to pay our bills on time. Many times us as believers can be the worst culprits by forgetting to pay on time. Have you ever laid the bills down somewhere, maybe on the car seat and it slipped down between the seats? As a result, forgetting all about it until after the fact. “Christians” are to be good stewards not only for our own sake but as a witness to others around us including non-believers. In this way, showing faithfulness and setting ourselves apart from the world by paying on time for what we owe. As a result demonstrating we care about the consequences it could have on a workplace whether a it’s a big or small company.

Finally, the word of God says to bring the first portion of our income to the Lord. Remember the words of Malachi, bringing your tithe into the storehouse (church) that the Lord’s blessing will pour out on you from Heaven so much that you can not contain it – Malachi 3:10

Be blessed this week in Jesus name

~ Pastor Turner

Weekly Word: May 15th

Start Somewhere

We’ve just celebrated Mother’s Day and its back to the same old grind. The holiday has passed and we are back in the regular swing of life. We’ve honored our mother’s and payed more attention to them on that special day we set aside known as Mother’s Day. But now most of us haven’t spent that same effort to relate our gratitude and love as we did on the holiday.

Now obviously it’s not realistic to expect to be able to spend the same amount of time or even perhaps have a gift to present every day as we did on the Holiday. However, it doesn’t exempt us from showing our appreciation and expressing our love on a daily basis. I’m sure by now you can see where this is going; let’s take just a second to imagine what God must feel after a Sunday service… He might feel with some of us, a bit like Mothers do on their holiday, but then once the week begins wonders when we will spend that much time with Him again setting aside a specific moment to talk with and love on Him.

As the business of life returns and schedules start to fill up, we encourage you to start somewhere. Set aside specific times to spend with the Lord, letting Him know He is just as important to you today as He is on Sunday! Start with just a few moments a day to say I love you and talk with God.  He loves every minute with you regardless of how many, just start somewhere!

Psalms 16:8 I have set the Lord always before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken.